The best day of my life was welcoming my little dude into this world almost a year ago, but as he becomes more mobile, I struggle to find time to craft. Combine this with my imminent return to the workforce and this mama has been stressed! I've been trying to think of what I'll be making to keep myself warm while I work, because I am literally always cold. What should be almost done is getting made in stolen minutes and hours way past my bedtime, but, it's getting done. I'm making a short sleeved, hooded sweater and I'm so happy with how it's turned out so far! I'm savoring my time with my son as a baby, but I'll admit that I'm looking foward to him getting older. I cannot wait to make crafts with him, and teach him, and most of all, I can't wait to watch him grow. My sweater will come together in due time, but my son growing happens in the blink of an eye. Alas, I must chase my tiny terror.